Monday, April 30, 2007
A New Era for Horse Racing
Its almost time for the Kentucky Derby. This year it seems is the year for change and perhaps even the beginning of a new era for horse racing. The 133rd run for the roses will be the first triple crown race to be run on a synthetic surface. I dont know what suprises me more, the new surface or the way the trainers are conditioning their horses for this years event. Recent reports are that a number of trainers are bringing horses to the big race with 4 to 6 weeks elapsed time from their last start and a couple of the horses have little or no experience running as a 2 yr olds. Its a huge shift in paradime but it seems we have a new breed of trainer on the scene. Perhaps Michael Matz, trainer of Barbaro and also well known on the jumper circut as a top rider, may have started a trend. Everyone sure thought he was a bit nuts for giving his horse so much time off prior to the Derby last year. It will be interesting to see how things unfold and if this recent change will make a lasting impression on the horse racing world.
This is the first year I haven't paid much attention to the Derby. I had no idea that they'd changed the footing until reading this! I sure hope there is a trend for more rest and less stress for those babies they race.
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